Building Immune Systems (without kids knowing it)

Building Immune Systems (without kids knowing it)

This year of all years, we know you want to keep your kiddos from being sick. We believe a healthy immune system is the first and best defense against any virus. Most kids really don’t like doing “healthy” things that will build their immune system (like eating greens or taking echinacea) but fear not! We've got a few tricks up our sleeves.

1. Immune-Boosting Gummies

You can buy these, but you can also make them. Use an antioxidant-rich berry (elderberries have especially potent immune system powers) and simmer in a shallow pot of water. Blend up, strain out the seeds, then follow the directions on the back of the gelatin packet to make your own gummies! You can add some honey to sweeten (which also has antioxidants in it).

2. Probiotic powder in smoothies or baked goods

If you can get some kid-friendly probiotic powder, use it in all sorts of recipes. It’s especially good in smoothies! Probiotics build a healthy gut, which is where immune system battles are won or lost.

3. Vitamin C Smoothie

1 c. plain Greek yogurt (probiotic) + 1 banana and/or 1 t honey (sweetener) + juice of 1 orange (vitamin C) + 2 tsp apple cider vinegar (helpful-bacteria enhancer) + vanilla extract + ½ c. milk (opt.) = 2-3 big servings

4. Broth-Based Soup

Why does homemade chicken soup make you feel better? Quality bone broth has incredible gut-friendly abilities! Buy or make your own by boiling the scraps from a whole chicken. Recipes abound with a simple search.



    Working immune system boosting foods into your winter meal plan can be simple! Don’t let it scare you! If you feel a little overwhelmed with trying to work foods like this in while also including all the necessary components the CACFP requires, we can help!


    We create meal plans for home daycare providers that are CACFP guaranteed, kid-friendly, real foods. Each week, we send out a menu, grocery list, and a couple of simple recipes so you can quit stressing and just get back to the kids!

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